How to Play ISANJA Board Game – VIDEO
ISANJA BOARD GAME is a word game that test how much you know about Nigeria. This game groups 2 to 10 players as a team to play against other teams in a test to know how well you can describe Nigerian People, Places, History, Events, Culture, etc. This is done by one person describing to team members without calling their Word (to be described) in a race to reach the FINISH, all of which much be done in a fixed time. Também recomendamos experimentar o código promocional frank casino enquanto espera pelo jogo de tabuleiro, passe o seu tempo lá!
- ISANJA Board
- Team Mascot (4 Nos)
- ISANJA Game Card
- ISANJA Wild Card
- Game Timer
- Team Selector Chips (40 Chips in a Bag)
- Select team member by using team selector chips.
- Count the number of players available, then put the equivalent number of colored chips (red, blue, yellow or green) in the chips bag.
- Ask players to pick one
- Players with similar colors belong to the same team
- Game Master can be selected. This must be someone that is not play that will officiate the game.
Game Master
The Game Master is the Game Umpire. The Game master is selected from list of players before the team are selected because the Game master will not play but officiate the game.
The Game Master has the following responsibility
- Approve point for Game Card of each player at the end of card time
- Ensure ISANJA Game rules and regulation are duly followed
- Monitor Game flow and establish order as a neutral player
Having Game Master is optional. Players can decide to skip this if they want to play without a Game Master. In this case, a Team checker in an opposite team will approve the teams score.
- Each team will start at their designated Start Point
- Objective of the Game is the first team to get to the finish
- To move forward, each Teams must gain points from describing words on ISANJA GAME CARD.
- Each ISANJA GAME CARD contains 4 words, and each word has point(s) assigned to it.
- It is the responsibility of this team member to describe each word to his/her team mates without saying the word on the card. You can talk, sing, rap, gesticulate or mimic actions that will help your team get the words on the card correctly. (See ISANJA Golden rules for things you cannot do)
- This must be done in 30 Seconds. (A timer has been provided to keep track)
- At the end of the time, number of points won is equal to sum of points from words correctly guessed by team mates. The Team Mascot is then allowed to move forward with the equivalent point score.
- The Next team takes it turn to play.
- This continues until one team gets to the FINISH POINT and is declared WINNER
STEP 3 – ISANJA Wild Card
ISANJA WILD CARD is a feature of ISANJA BOARD GAME that gives a team added advantage or gives an opposition team a disadvantage.
ISANJA Wild Card can be obtained in 2 ways
1. Each team member is entitled to use one (1) ISANJA WILD CARD. (This card can be used anytime during the game.)
2. When a team get all 4 WORD correctly on the ISANJA GAME CARD, the player is entitled to pick one ISANJA WILD CARD. This gives the Team 10 Points; this concept is referred to as ISANJA – I SABI NAIJA